Wednesday 25 January 2012

long time, no speak

Blimey. Not even the end of January, and I've already failed miserably at my New Year's Resolution: It's been a whole week since I last blogged.


Anyway, here is some of what I have been up to:

Wednesday and Thursday - Play and Creativity at CCYM

My friends with their beautiful daughter - they're such proud parents and I'm so pleased for them. They've just moved to Cambridge so that A can train for priesthood. It's exciting times ahead.

Friday was riding Splodge (more Muybridge photos), then youth groups. Lunchtimes are now watching and discussing The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe:

In the afternoon, N brought Pip and Pop along, and M came to give a veterinary talk to the young people:

The dogs were very interested in what she had to say!

Saturday, Sunday and Monday were mostly spent with N and S. We rode, ate (bye bye diet), chatted, read:

This is Ollie and N reading Horse and Hound.

We also learned all British Prime Ministers from 1901 onwards (Balfour, Campbell-Banaman, Asquith, Law, Lloyd-George, Baldwin, McDonald, Baldwin, McDonald, Baldwin, Baldwin, Baldwin, Chamberlain, Churchill, Atley, Churchill, Eden, MacMillan, Douglas-Hume, Wilson, Heath, Wilson, Callahan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron). All US Presidents from Herbert Hoover onwards (Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama).

We also learned all the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. Ever:

William, William, Henry, Stephen, Henry, Richard, John, Henry, Edward, Edward, Edward, Richard, Henry, Henry, Henry, Edward, Edward, Richard, Henry, Henry, Edward, Mary, Elizabeth, James, Charles, Charles, James, William and Mary, Anne, George, George, George, George, William, Victoria, Edward, George, Edward, George, Elizabeth.

Just for funsies!

Then, last night, Mum and Dad and I went to the Regent to see Alfie Boe in concert. I love him. literally. I want to put him in my pocket and make him sing to me all them time. Sadly, no pictures of the lovely man himself, but this is his tour bus:

No stalking (honest), we just happened to follow it from the venue.

So, all in all, a very busy week. Onwards and upwards!

(Or KBO as Churchill apparently said - Keep Buggering On!)

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