Thursday 8 March 2012

this one's for da laydeez

Happy International Women's Day!

I love the idea of a day to celebrate all the inspirational women that we all know and love. There are some gorgeous websites and articles online, but here is a link to the fabulous Eco Age website (one of my absolute favourites to spend a happy half hour flicking through for ideas and information):

As I've been reflecting on it, I've realised that I am very blessed to have known and been influenced by so many amazing women (and men, but I'll save that for another day). Here is a very personal list of my top 10 inspirational women...

Very Highly Commended (I wish there were more than 10 numbers in a top 10...):

Jane Austen - No list would be complete without the woman who changed the face of women authors forever. And she created my ideal man...
Emmeline Pankhurst - Feel a bit bad she hasn't come higher up the list. She, and so many other women like her have given us the freedom and equality we take so for granted today.
Judi Dench - I LOVE her. Do you think she would be my surrogate grandmother if I asked her very nicely?
All of my gorgeous, clever, beautiful, kind, inspiration girl friends. I love them all.

10) Mother Teresa
What an inspirational, humble, Godly woman. And she wrote incredible prayers, which just seem to say what is in my heart so much better than I ever could.
9) Laura Bailey
Eco-warrior, advocate for all things equal and good, and a completely bonkers dresser. An ultimate 'Miss England'.
8) Grandma
I miss my Grandma. She was an absolute stalwart when my Grandad was ill, and after he died, she kept it together in her own inimitable way. She was so loving and so generous to me, and I really miss being able to tell her all my news and adventures. I hope she'd be proud.  
7) Audrey Hepburn
Beauty, grace, generosity, impeccable taste, a gorgeous actress. Class.
6) Ella Fitzgerald
If my heart could sing, it would have her voice. She WAS music. Timeless.
5) The Queen
I love the Queen. Such a strong, passionate, loyal, classy, diplomatic lady. And such a strong pioneer of colour blocked outfits.
4) Jane Eyre
Passionate, moralistic, and she got her man in the end. Are there any more romantic words in English literature than, 'Reader, I married him'. It gives me shivers every time I read it.
3) Livia Firth
What an eco-warrior, ethical pioneer, spokeswoman, stylist, business woman, AND she's married to Colin Firth. He's a lucky man. 
2) Mary
The mother of Jesus, Mary, not some random bird. I am in awe of her love, her faith, her trust, her tenacity, her resourcefulness... What an inspiration.
1) My Mum
I know most people think their mothers are the best, but mine actually is. The depth of her love, and her empathy is limitless. She is so incredibly self-sacrificing, and would literally give the shirt off her back to make some else happy. She looks after Dad and I brilliantly, and always puts us before herself. She is wonderful with children (who all adore her), loves crap telly, is worryingly enthusiastic about Michael Ball, has very eloquent nostrils, and gets drunk on a glass of wine. She is an active member of the church, proof reads all my essays, is terribly photogenic, cooks a mean roast chicken, sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating, sings very loudly and slightly off key when she's happy, will be so embarrassed when she reads this, and is currently sitting knitting me a new jumper.  I love my Mum more than I can say. She is everything I want to be when I grow up, and is the reason I have got to where I am now. Mum - I love you!

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